I do not have one great picture...way too difficult although she did not mind posing for some 8 hours or so. As mentioned in my post yesterday, there was a lot of wind which caused the branches to bend and move and be agitated...there was a lot of sun right on her face, which prevented her from opening her beautiful saucer-like yellow/orangish eyes...at times I was on the verge of losing my footing, at times my hand was totally moving too! But what a blessing to have sheltered this magnificent creature an entire day!
Voir Mon commentaire sur la trés chouette chouette (2), sous la photo de Progress, effectivement il y a un gros progres, mais les lunettes sont elles la on purpose ?
oh, fantastic! thanks for sharing. i've never seen one up close.
Dear Lemoncholy,
Yes, it was such a treat! We moved in this house 10 years ago next month and it is the first time that we had such an opportunity. I marvel at the fact that I went out in the garden that morning,lifted my head and looked up at this very tall pine tree....and saw a strange gray shape on a branch,immobile. I could not see what it was because of my sight and also because this "mass" was in the dense shade at the time. She moved 3 times in the course of some 8 hours.
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