Here is Soizik at breakfast this morning, beautiful, no? She continued to lay her eggs in the pile of rubbish so that I have had to escalate it running the risk of twisting my ankles, fighting large twigs, boards with nails, slippery plastic, to name a few of the obstacles. Yesterday however, allelluia she decided to lay her egg in a nest in one of the coops, but, no, not the one I had added just for her, no , of course not...I knew it was hers, I know the distinctions between the eggs of my hens with the exception of Eva and Zsa Zsa who are twins (my take) and lay totally similar eggs in shape, size and whiteness.
Eva....or ZsaZsa on the left, Bleuette to the right
Allelluia! Soizik est indépendante et a du caractère! Origine bretonne?
Mais oui, cela doit etre son cote breton...
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