Sunday, March 16, 2008

Race is done!

I am sooooo tired. This was a tough course all up and down, narrow path, breezy and on the cold side. Uphill at the start and same uphill at the end!!!
I am not used to running hills but I pushed myself plenty and enjoyed passing tons of people on the way down.....3 or 4 of these gained on me later on and passed me.
Anyway I am happy with my time of 27'17"...and my 1st place medal (age group 60 and over).
Steve did very well with 20'24" and a 3rd place you can guess many more people his age.
By the way I am a fan of Mary K., 84 or 85 years old who participated and did the 10K, wow.......I am in awe of her.
Celebration time.....tonight!


Anonymous said...

Bravo aux courageux sportifs, pas étonnant que tu sois 1ere, légère comme une plume, tu ne dois pas courir mais voler, comme un joli oiseau, dont j'attend avec impatience de le voir se transformer en papillon...
Bravo à Steve qui est superbe ! Reposez vous bien su vos lauriers.
Votre Anonymous prefere.

Charlie said...

What amazing athletes you both are. Congratulations! And Francoise what a waist-line! Wow!

franswazz said...

Anonymous, but not really Anonymous, je vais t'appeler Anemone...
Je cours a la prison aujourd'hui mais je voulais te dire merci tout de suite!
Pas de promesse mais j'ai l'intention de commenter sur tes jolis petits tableaux + tard cet apres-midi!

franswazz said...

Charlie, what a pleasure and merci much for the compliments. I am still recovering today.....too many uphills for my legs!