Saturday, April 19, 2008

Caught in the Midst of Blooming....


Ima said...

the flowers are so amazing. but i'm just wondering....... what's the name of the flowers in the third picture.
take care

franswazz said...

Emerita, which 3rd one?
So nice to visit me!

marie said...

hummmmm... Ca sent bon d'ici, c'est la renaissance!

franswazz said...

Oui, surtout le muguet, bien sur mais aussi les narcisses.
Bon dimanche a ma soeurette.

Ima said...

the first one from the top.
it's a comment flower of spring in Algeria and i really wanna know it's English name.
yeah i just adore flowres and roses actually a part of my real name means "Flower"
Thanks for passing by.