Monday, October 22, 2007

Of Aloe Plant, Artful Papers and Other Things...

I absolutely love our big aloe plant and it was getting awfully cold around here so Steve helped me shelter it in my studio.....kind of reminds us of the Little Shop of Horrors.....
I have been working on more papers but they are difficult to photograph so I will upload only one be kind to your eyes.
And then I thought you might enjoy a glimpse of the entrance to my studio....any comments, kind comments I mean...?
Finally our medals, well deserved in the windy and cold Sunday morning race!


kecia deveney said...

yes, no "anonymous" soapboxing comments allowed here!

i thought at first the opening to your studio was a restaurant! i love whatever it is you have hanging over the door - beautiful - of course i really love the south western decor and your aloe plant fits right in!i see a lot of west coast decor that i don't see much of out here,so i enjoy looking at your things!

your papers are coming along beautifully!

franswazz said...

Thank you Kecia...