Sunday, August 19, 2012

Watercolor collage
Watercolors, pens, inks
Going right along with my 8" x 8" khadi paper. I am totally enjoying doing those relatively (for me) free little paintings on this wonderful paper....still in love with it.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

I had forgotten this one (above) which is a mixed media collage utilizing my drawings on lokta paper.

These are very small watercolors sometimes with inks. They measure 8" x  8" on khadi paper. One could call them  exercises. I have been trying to loosen up....not an easy thing,  I repeat not an easy thing ,but I have made some progress.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


These are very small sketches/paintings from my sketchbooks. All but the last one on khadi paper.

Monday, August 6, 2012

More.... better (at least for me:) I started adding watercolor as soon as I began working on my khadi paper sketchbook. I simply LOVE this handmade paper. See here and here or here
I find it, well, voluptuous!
I have bought the heavy rough type in various sizes.I also have the same paper in loose square sheets. They have gorgeous deckled edges on 4 sides..Hiromi seems to be out of these right now but they tell me that they will be getting some more. Next I will try the smooth one.
Enough for the sketches, next,  soon, some tiny paintings, mostly watercolor but some collages too.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

About Time....

...that I go back to my blog!
What happened?

At first I felt that I was going in circles with my work, nothing new, nothing exciting so I decided to take a break.....that,  and the fact that the running and racing season had started and with a new running coach I wanted to train seriously.
Then busy living, a broken toe, a trip to Paris, , is good, very very good.
And of course I could not stay away for a long time from my sketchbooks (a lot of Haeckel).