Friday, October 23, 2009

Oops...Here Comes the Best.... In-N-Out:
The "animal fries". (earlier I called them "dirty", Steve corrected me)

Judge for yourself! I am not kidding, that's their name and we ate them, well most of them anyway, I more than Steve.....shame on us


Marion said...

Iiiiihhh these pics make me feel like fasting :) My solution for dieting and losing weight : going to fast food restaurants. Every time Sergio wants to go to one (which happens once or twice a year), I never eat. I'm sure these were tasty though. Bisouuuusss

franswazz said...

We loooooove In-N-Out and yes, they were delicious.....once...maybe once more?lol
bises to you

marie said...

Ca c'est APRES l'avoir mangé, non? Olala...

Swazziket said...

J'avais eu la description orale hier soir..., ça dépasse tout ce que je pouvais imaginer !!!
Marie tu m'a fait mourir de rire, j'en avais besoin,mais c'est tout à fait ça, quand je pense à tes jolies gambettes, Françoise, tu peux sans risque avaler ce magma infame.....
Heureuse d'avoir pu bavarder avec toi hier soir,
Mille bises.

franswazz said...

Ok, ok, pas de "animal fries" pour vous....Marie, je sais que tu les devorerais rapido presto:)