Saturday, June 6, 2009

Big News

Ok, here it is: we are finally (enormous sigh) hooked up to the city waste thing this year for sure!....We endured this situation (failed leach fields) for close to 5 years, having to have our septic tank pumped every 2 months and lately every month....channeling our gray water from the washing machine through the window into the courtyard (the girl's!), taking showers of short duration at home, being ever so careful not to send too much water down the drains, etc....I will spare you the other ways we tried to save water from going into the septic tank....disgusting:)

Y E A H !


marie said...

Youpi! A vous la belle vie!

franswazz said...

Ah, oui, quel plaisir que de pouvoir tirer la chaine autant que son petit coeur le desire:)

Swazikette said...

Son petit coeur si on peut dire,je dirais plutot son petit int...ou sa petite vous voyez ce que je veux dire !
Ca ne vole pas haut les commentaires en ce moment... heureusement il y a les colombes vraies ou fausses.
Bisous les sisters.