Sunday, July 13, 2008

After the Beauty....The Beast

This was the appalling view in a corner of the patio yesterday night. I had sprayed to repel insects (those attracted by light)) and was spending a peaceful and wonderful moment reading and just absorbing the silence and the beauty .....I heard a sound like a helicopter right there almost under my nose...When I pulled away the potted plant to see what the roaring was all about I found this huge beetle fighting to get up, a big generic black bug on its back(to the left)...and a huge ugly brown spider thinking "dinner"! I was horrified and totally sick but still...You know...The intrepid photographer/reporter/fake scientist/entomologist/would be coroner had to get to work...I was disgusted face contorted by hideous grimaces, as I was getting closer and closer with the camera to that very live spider....
After spraying her abundantly with "Spider Death", I took more pictures of her covered with the shiny poison.
Total horror, sorry, I thought you would want to know and so, with my natural generosity I am trying to recapture the moment for you guys!
Check those "cute" little eyes (if eyes, whatever). By the way I am an arachnophobe...yuck!


marie said...

Si tu crois que je vais venir en vacances chez toi! ah ah, non!

franswazz said...

4cms, sans compter les petites gambettes poilues, qu'en penses-tu? Elle est encore sur un sopalin dans un coin du patio...jusqu'a ce que Steve revienne...deg..