Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wasp Abode, Garden Path, mosaic plant

David gave me this tiny wasp nest, so cute....without the wasps! We just got a mosaic plant for the pond, it has not yet spread...they are so amazing. And finally a picture of the little alley in the garden where the guys are working...still preparing the soil to receive the pavers.


marie said...

tout ça sont de belles inspirations pour des bijoux!

Anonymous said...

Oui les couleurs de ta delicate petite carcasse sont trés jolies, mais celles des 2 dernières photos sont encore + ravissantes, 2 petits bijoux, comme dirait Marie...
Mille bisous d'Anonymous

Dale said...

the wasp nest is so pretty and delicate! What are you going to do with it?

franswazz said...

Hi Dale, yes, so pretty..I will add it to a collection of interesting/odd/strange/pretty things (on 2 shelves of my studio)....together with a couple of birds skulls,bones, a glass eye (for humans),A (not real) human skull, a mold of my jaws,starfish, feathers, a pair of baby shoes from the turn of the century, etc...
I will go visit and see what you're up to!