Thursday, October 11, 2012

Petit Dessin 14

Petit Dessin 14 mixed Media on St. Armand paper 
Nothing much to say these days, no precious words of wisdom falling from my mouth or my pen . Other blogs certainly fill that void:). Fall is beautiful, my work is coming along, happy.


lynne h said...

oh my goodness, i love this!! and you're working on st. armand paper now! if there's a watercolor paper that i love more than khadi, it's st. armand. we're on the same paper wavelength. : )


Unknown said...

Dear Cuppa - I just popped over from Lynne's blog and am SO glad I did - your paintings are just amazing - you make me want to rush out into this night, back to my studio, to MAKE Stuff! -sus

angela recada said...

Silence can be a beautiful thing. I'm glad you're enjoying a beautiful Fall where you are! There are always so many lovely shapes and colors in your work. Very organic. I like that!

franswazz said...

Hi there Angela, finally showing the tip of my nose...
Thanks for the visit and comment. I am thinking of Picasso's words:“Without great solitude, no serious work is possible.” I would add "silence" to his least for me:)
Take good care!