Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Once More from the Garden

Too bad the red of the maple leaves got lost in translation from my picture to the blog, bummer! It was a much more fiery red.


marie said...

C'est grand et magnifique. La pauvre citadine enfermée admire et contemple l'espace et les couleurs

soizikette said...

Tu sais attraper l'instant magique ou le ciel se part de couleurs magiques et fugitives, et comment ne pas voir la vie en rose quand sous tes yeux ton jardin devient une telle palette de couleurs!

Lisa Graham said...

Peaceful. So beautifully peaceful.

Lisa Graham said...

Thanks for the link on Anne Grgich. Wow! I love her stuff. And I never heard of the term "outsider" before pertaining to artist description. So interesting. Thanks for the nice comment too. The first two were my favorites also. : )