Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Last Night 's Visitors

Not one, not two...bla..bla...bla but 4, the whole little family visiting our front courtyard and helping themselves to the bird seeds....what a mess!


Marion said...

awww how cute !! I Love those guys!!

Unknown said...

I know the feeling.... they're stealing the bird seed!!.... but these fellows are just as beautiful as the birds. They just happen to be such pests!! Nice photos.

swazziket said...

Tes photos sont toujours aussi belles, couchers de soleil ou créatures ravissantes, mais dont les petites pattes pointues font peur...
Donne une fessée à Coconut de ma part, je comprend ta rage...

franswazz said...

Marion, I love their looks but they can be pests when you have to clean their mess and pick up the broken pieces of your favorite flower pot:)

franswazz said...

Joyce, I see that you see my point!
In addition they have broken quite a few flowers pots.......but they are cute:)

franswazz said...

Bretonne mignonne, en effet tu peux observer qu'il fait le dos rond, position de defense qui dit "n'approche pas"...."les pattes pointues", tu veux dire leurs griffes! Bises♥♥♥