Monday, February 22, 2010

Some Pictures from Phoenix

First I must say I HATE this Blogger posting format, I still can't figure out how to put my writing where I want it, right under the pics, it is totally insane with a crazy mind of its own...Right below a view during the "opening ceremonies" including the lighting of the cauldron, no pictures. I hate to say that the whole thing was kind of a joke!
I turned my head to the left and clicked. I will ask hubby for help tonight when he gets home♥ because some pictures beg for a bit of                                                                                 


Marion said...

Loved the ladies in pink and the prairie dog's little butt :)

marie said...

Mais ce n'est pas grave pour les comments, soeurette, les photos sont superbes, que ce soit la flore ou la faune, j'aimerais bien croiser les mêmes mais dans le quartier c'est un autre genre, comme tu sais ...!
Félicitations pour les qualifications!
A bientôt, mille trente bises.