Both are sitting in my studio right now. I have not touched them since I finished the workshop. I am resting and thinking and returning to the daily routine with my head still spinning.
One comment I would like to make: when you take a workshop with someone like Jesse, you cannot expect to understand his approach, work intensely on applying his method (see below) and produce a work that is very personal! Hopefully that will come later.
In his own words:
" this entire process is based on working in reverse and out of time with
our thoughts. this method forces us to learn to see. meaning we see what
is rather than the idea of it. its easy to get caught up with the ideas in
ones head.. we aim to learn that a plan is just a start point at best and
its always ok to change our direction. a rigid plan can confuse us with
let downs and expxectations. just because things arent going as planned
doesnt mean they are going poorly, ive found in my past that sometimes
even when things are working out better, it easy to still be confused and
frustrated based on the idea that things are not going as planned.. best
to not look ar the plan but rather whats happening so we dont miss
Magnifique progression. Les couleurs sont évidemment de toute beauté et les formes commencent à prendre forme, sauf que la fin sera peut-être tout-à-fait différente, va savoir. Et les papiers dans tout ça, vont-ils pouvoir prendre place là-dedans?
Je crois que le message de la petite souris verte n'est pas parti, zut, parce que ses commentaires ont changé, depuis que cette anonymouse
a passé sa journée à étudier tes tableaux, de trés prés, en tous cas elle était muette d'admiration, les oreilles en éventail et la moustache en bataille.Bises d'un de tes 2 groupies favorites
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