Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Junk Mail Book Pages 16 and 17

watercolors, liquid acrylics on junk papers
Okay, i'll admit, this time i knew no boundaries, i just "let it all hang out" and while i know that i have gone mad, i feel rather good about it and i had so much fun. No one has been hurt! i know close to nothing about watercolors and so i made so many mistakes and had to learn the hard way but learned i have...a thing or two.
Our roof is being redone and my studio walls, furniture and mess have been covered with plastic sheeting, weird feeling when i go in.. So since it will stay that way until late Friday, no working in the studio on the remaining pages for now, i will see this weekend. 
PS: The funny looking blue "thing" on the right page with a funny stripey tail is the continuation of the cheetah's tail (previous page), did not take much time thinking about it...


Unknown said...

Nice work!

marie said...

Cà déchire!C'est extra-ordinaire!

Pascale said...

J'adore, c'est sublime !

Anna Schüler said...

beautiful work, you know i love it :-)
i would love to find out how to make it, it looks so gorgeous ...

lots of greets from over here

Lisa Graham said...

I am really in awe of this work. First the fact that it's done on junk mail. Then the colors you use. And it looks like it is done on thin shavings of wood, not paper. I think it is because of how it's detailed. Lastly, all the amazing illustrations. You could look at this for a year and find something new in it every time I would bet. I absolutely love it! Wow wow and wow!

angela recada said...

I always enjoy looking at your work. The colors and shapes, and the incredible details. Fabulous!

I hope your new roof is finished, and that you have your studio back to the way you like it.

Nina said...

You're brilliant! Your work transformed my day and yes...I started looking at all my junk mail in a new way...may I ask how you covered the slick papers? (would you mind contacting me @

Nina said...

Greetings from Toronto. Your work is brilliant! It transformed my day! I started looking at my junk mail in a new way! May I ask how you ocver the slick papers?

Thank you for sharing your dazzling work!