Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sillyness Class Starts

This time I am not late...yet! About 2 days ago I went back to my studio and started my art journal again to get these fingers out of their deplorable rusty state. It was not easy to pick up brushes, pens and pencils again but I did it moaning and groaning,  pitiful! So here is our first assignment.....done!


marie said...

Ce zamoplin est plocotivurement gravool, je trouve, et c'est sincère...

franswazz said...

Oui, il me sembait que tu allais dire cela, textuellement:) mais quand meme je dois avouer qu'il n'est pas aussi gravool que je le desirais.....

Joyce said...

I gravool your dopsimere birds! (Yes, I'm silly, too!) I haven't started today's exercise yet, so I'm behind already, so I'd better shut down this blogging stuff and get out my pens and pencils!