First let me tell you about these little creatures on the rose bud: they are aphids................... and I HATE them. However they do not head my "enemies of Beauty" list but they are up there...certainly after...SNAILS and SLUGS which are at the very top of the list and you can see pictures of the damage they cause.....up to devouring the whole leaf! Look at the beauty of a "virgin"leaf...
Hélas, ces petites bêtes ont faim! Mais je connais une autre qui pense comme toi: Anny est une chasseuse de snails redoutable.
Pour ma part, j'aimerais avoir ce problème, mais...
Ma Belle,
Petites betes, c'est vraiment trop gentil!
Mort aux aphids, mort aux snails!
Passez-moi mon fusil....vite!
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