Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Reflection by Howard Thurman

When the song of the angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the king and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flock,
The work of Christmas begins:

    To find the lost,
    To heal the broken,
    To feed the hungry,
    To release the prisoner,
    To rebuild the nations,
    To bring peace among all,
    To make music in the heart.

PS: someone asked about this picture, it is my photograph. i always give credit if  if not my original work.....until i forget due to my advanced age:)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Pages 8 through 11

i do not practice minimalism but maximalism......so frustrating when i want to follow the principle that sometimes less is more....ahhh.... Now you will want to ask  me "But why don't you?" and i will answer with 2 round eyes and a blank look on my face! Fortunately for me and those around me i still have my sense of humor...grrrr....The fish, well, the fish is a lost case, it never started lightly but the iris i had started it gently, yes, in a sort of minimalist way...but something took over me and i went at this poor flower with a vengeance......
The creature from page 6 keeps appearing and so i keep having to make up a new image: it becomes a strange fin for the fish and then an even stranger moth-type winged creature.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Next Pages: 4, 5, 6 and 7

The strange flowers/plants on page 5 continue on page 7 to become....whatever:) That was one of the purposes of the book but i quickly found out that this was quite difficult for me! The drawings are very much inspired by the book Art Forms in Nature by Ernst Haeckel (you can find it  at Amazon), if you don't already own it. What a genius this man! By the way when  Lynne will  see these little paintings she will no doubt chuckle when she will think of my recent comment on her blog and her response:)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

First Pages of The Book.....


i am finishing the next ones (4,5,6,and 7) which i will post soon. i decided that i did not like the heaviness of the acrylic paint on this type of background so for the next pages i switched to watercolors, much more satisfying.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Working On Junk Mail Book

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(Picasa is giving me lots of trouble these days , very frustrating.) My sister and i are taking Carla Sonheim's fun class "Junk Mail Artist Book" and in spite of my very hectic life right now i have been able to finish the pages and bind them (the easiest way possible) into this book. Now onto the drawing part The junk mail were first heavily gessoed then several coats of watercolors were applied followed by a slight buffing.....to be followed