Friday, November 16, 2012

16 and 17

Acrylic on khadi paper

Watercolor on St Armand paper
Frustrated because I have tons of paperwork (mostly filing things that have accumulated over the past 6 months or so) to do before I will allow myself to go back to my art work. I HATE piles of papers! So I am posting works that I did a while ago and that were already posted  somewhere else like Flickr for instance.
Also I am training a lot these days for races (5k and several track events)  in Florida at the beginning of December. Because of a foot fracture in June I could not qualify for next year's Nationals here in New Mexico so I have to travel to Florida to do that.........

Addendum:  And yes, I am 70 years old:)


  1. francoise, i hope you get those papers filed PDQ!! and i wish you happy training... : ) xoxo

  2. Beautiful creations. I love your work. I hope your paper work goes by quickly and that you enjoy the training and races.

  3. beautiful work , I especially like the last one on St Armand paper !!! stunning work.... enjoy your training !!!
