Sunday, July 11, 2010

Today's Race

In 2 weeks I'll celebrate my 68th birthday and if you ask me I am very  blessed  and grateful indeed!
Thank you God!


  1. Congratulations !!! Je suis immensement fiere de toi. A presque 68 ans, tu continues d'ameliorer tes performances en course a pied... Incroyable!!

  2. Thank you and congratulations to YOU for winning your age group after:

    1- running around trying to get paperwork, doctor's visit,etc..for days, stressing out because of certain phone calls
    2- Getting married 2 days before the race
    3- giving a party for some 30 people the night before the race, cleaning out afterwards
    4- sleeping poorly the night before
    5- Not doing any race-specific training at all

    BRAVO, wild little gazelle!
    And bisous!

  3. Bravo à la championne de presque 68 ans et ses valeureuses petites gambettes ainsi qu'à la rayonnante
    jeune mariée capable de réussir tant de choses en si peu de temps :) (:
    Bises à toutes les deux et Bravissimo :
