Saturday, October 6, 2007

Foie gras for dessert?

My Friends, this is it, we have reached a new .....high:

YES, you are not going insane, Steve ordered Profiteroles with foie gras at Le Pigeon tonight in Portland, Oregon and....
it was insanely delicious, something only a mad chef could concoct for equally insane foodies.
More about this meal when back home in Albuquerque.
And also more about my workshop with Misty Mawn today.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I live in Portland and have never been to Le Pigeon (though I have a dear foodie friend who delights in them!) I've also been hearing really good things about Andina next time you're in town - and I went to a chocolate tasting at Alma last night - WOW! chocolates with the subtle complexities of wines - it was lovely!! Seems like we have more than just art in common . . .
