Friday, September 28, 2007

All about Beef Bourguignon, Lemon Butter Poundcake

And some other things too but 1st....the food.
Yesterday we had a relative arriving so I baked my now famous bundt cake with creamcheese, butter (of course, tons of it), fresh lemon rind AND lime rind.
Today there is a wonderful aroma in the entire house: a comfort food for my family, one of our favourites, Boeuf Bourguignon in all its splendor, otherwise known here as Beef Burgundy.
I still have to cook the pearl onions and the mushrooms. These 2 are cooked separately and then added at the last minute.....O Baby!.....
Of course, tea, I am going to get my latest cup (waiting for me in the kitchen).
By the way I have listed the link to my favourite one, the one I drink all the time....Tetley. See Other Interesting Stuff if you want to order online. ( can't find it locally so I do order it online all the time.)
And I am getting a little nervous about my race this Sunday, a 5 K. This time I do not think that I will be below 27'02" because the race is on very soft terrain.

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