Sunday, September 30, 2007

Race Done, Time is OK

I knew that I would not set a new PR on the soft dirt but I am not unhappy with 28'06".
And 1st place, darn, they gave me a mug, I prefer medals.......
Steve arrived 1st too but he broke his last PR with a time of 19'41", he is happy!!!
I finally am printing some pictures for my class with Misty, so much to do, so little time.
Actually, almost NO TIME at all!

Saturday, September 29, 2007 is the Beef

And a picture of the pond, so pretty, soon to fade away as Fall settles in...

About the Beef, 5K Race Tomorrow Morning, Soon the Balloon Fiesta

Yes, the Bourguignon turned out great but today not much food since I am racing tomorrow and I noticed that I had gained a little these past few days.....I'll make up after the race, believe me.
I still have my journal page to do before I call it quit for the day. I have not been able to spend much time on them since the arrival of my French relative.
Also it is soon going to be panic on the Rio Grande as I scurry around getting all my supplies together for Art & Soul....I have not even started!
And it is Norma's birthday Monday (she is my mentee) and Steve and I are taking her out for a nice lunch....which means of course time away from packing.
Last thing: the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is almost upon us, here are a few pictures from last year. The weather did not cooperate and after a few balloons took off it was cancelled, that day I mean.

Friday, September 28, 2007

All about Beef Bourguignon, Lemon Butter Poundcake

And some other things too but 1st....the food.
Yesterday we had a relative arriving so I baked my now famous bundt cake with creamcheese, butter (of course, tons of it), fresh lemon rind AND lime rind.
Today there is a wonderful aroma in the entire house: a comfort food for my family, one of our favourites, Boeuf Bourguignon in all its splendor, otherwise known here as Beef Burgundy.
I still have to cook the pearl onions and the mushrooms. These 2 are cooked separately and then added at the last minute.....O Baby!.....
Of course, tea, I am going to get my latest cup (waiting for me in the kitchen).
By the way I have listed the link to my favourite one, the one I drink all the time....Tetley. See Other Interesting Stuff if you want to order online. ( can't find it locally so I do order it online all the time.)
And I am getting a little nervous about my race this Sunday, a 5 K. This time I do not think that I will be below 27'02" because the race is on very soft terrain.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

More Journal Pages....and a Cup of Tea

I am super excited because I had a visitor from Spain on my blog.
Other reasons:
1- Soon, very soon, I am leaving to go to Art & Soul in Portland and , my dear husband Steve is coming with me, how wonderful is that? I have not been a student in some 20 years, rather I was on the other side:-)
2- I already have been checking online about Portland restaurants...yum...yum...yum.
There was an article today in the New York Times, what timing! It seems that I will be able to indulge in some of my favorite French delicacies like...........................snails, otherwise known as escargots in the culinary jargon.
3- I have a race this Sunday
4- My tea is delicious and, by the way you are invited to gaze into my cup, yes, the one I am sipping slowly right now.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Journal Pages

Some selected ones, of course!

Where Have I been all this Time?

I can't believe I have not found the time to write something but the truth of the matter is that I was deprived of my favorite computer, the monitor suddenly gave up. Just got a new one (refurbished, courtesy of Dell) via DHL yesterday morning. O Joy!
I need to try to get some warm bodies to navigate to my blog at some point, sometimes before the end of this century....
Latest news: I have been very occupied with my mentee, Norma who suffers from PTSD in a bad way. Her psychiatrist recommends a dog which is just what she really wants. We are working on it, someone we saw Tuesday said she has one, a little girl, part chihuahua part Lhasa Apso (spelling?) and she just should not work yet so she is very frustrated. She was craving for a Taco Bell experience so Tuesday I took her there. As soon as she got her first bite I could hear hm...hmm, loved every bite!
I wanted to learn how to sell on eBay so I did it. I listed just 1 item, a mixed media painting that I did in 1997....sold! But I really did not make any money on it, just gained the experience.
Above is a picture of it, "At The Market"

Monday, September 10, 2007

Here I am, quite happy as you can see!
I managed to shave 45 seconds off last year's PR after a year of battling various running injuries.
1st in my age group....only one other woman....
In my cup, water....later on in the evening, champagne, YES!

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Well, I did it! I was nervous about the race this morning (5K) since my left knee tendinitis that started July 27 and stopped me right in my tracks from running. I had been back running up to 20 minutes this past week so this race was going to be a jump.
Will post a picture tomorrow. Steve did beautifully, won his age group (45-49) and made his wish come true by breaking 42' (second weekend race in a row where he wins his age group!)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Just back from The Flying Star

I just dropped Norma at the Dismas House. I picked her up at 11am this morning and was back at home at 2pm! I wanted her to get her meds (since last Friday....almost a week).
She is my mentee and feels down since her parents left. Also it does not help that the places of employment tell her to come back in 2 or 3 months after she let them know about her case.
Tonight Steve and I want to go see "la Vie en Rose" at the Guild.
I need to put some color in this blog, so here we go:

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Here are my 2 journal pages of Sept 3 and 4

Having Fun on Blogger

I have changed colors, fonts, added a picture in my banner, so much fun!
Drunk already 2 cups of tea, just a beginning!
I WILL spend productive time in my studio when I come back from my lunch meeting sometime after 1pm.
Yesterday I accomplished something I had wanted to do for a long time..............listing an item for sale on eBay, scary, but it is done, looking good, I learned a lot.
As to what to sale, that was another question. I looked at old paintings, collages, etc and finally decided on something I could happily live without...LOL A folkartsy type of painting/collage on canvas, done probably in the middle 90's, naive, student quality, bad student quality but I know with certainty that someone will like it, " a chacun son mauvais gout"!
More pictures coming...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

19'54"....Go Steve!

Steve got me up at 6am this past Sunday morning. Soon after we were on our way.
Finally the big day had arrived when he was going to break 20 minutes for the 5K and..................he did it!!!! I was looking and looking, nobody in sight yet and then I see a guy coming into the lane, the first one and, YES, it is Steve and I am screaming "yes, yes, yes" tears in my eyes.Img_0608
I am SO happy for him. He had been training hard, so focused on his goal. What we did not really foreseen , was that he would finish 1st overall.GREAT

Monday, September 3, 2007

Off I go!

I have just decided that I am switching to Blogger, yes, enough of Typeblog, basta!
It seems that this is much easier and since I have less and less grey matter....