Friday, December 31, 2010


Sisterette in Paris got her package, finally! Ouf, I feel relieved because one package got lost last year somewhere over the big pond...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Carrots and Husband

I had never seen whitish or purple carrots!
Forgot to post this pic of Hubby arriving home on Christmas Eve bearing orchid plant for me.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

painting Papers

These are actually slightly paler than shown.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Mysterious Object

Side of the UFO (unidentified flying object), which hopefully has crossed the Atlantic ocean by now to its destination somewhere in the 18th arrondissement of Paris. I apologize for  the slightly out of focus photo: the object being in flight, I am not able to take a second picture!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Romanesco Broccoli

Unbelievable, awesome! I think that I posted something like this in the past but I can't help it, have to post it again.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


So glad it's done! This has been a long battle and I can shout  Allelluiah, my mind is already on the next one. Thought a lot of Zikette and tried to please her:)m
10" x 10" mixed media painting, hand painted papers, acrylics, self-carved stamps, commercial stamps. 
For those of you, dear visitors, interested in this sort of art, please go straight to my sis' blog .
She just finished a beautiful and touching portrait using her own papers. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dawn In the Village

This morning, I opened my eyes and I could see a magnificent view from the window. I could not resist!  I just had to throw a coat over my nightgown, slip my shoes and go out to take pictures. It was a little before 7am.,

Saturday, December 11, 2010

One More Glance... a small spot on the outside

Friday, December 10, 2010

Misc. Sweet Nothings

Japanese maple wants to keep its fire-red leaves in the honor of Jesus' birth
There was this one flower left from summer, all alone on my run yesterday so I saw it, loved it and took it home
Just a glance at a corner of "something" (wrapping) I'm sending to sisterette, can't spoil the surprise!

Monday, December 6, 2010


Still not the best representation of this one, too red....way too blood red but anyway I went back and worked on the bottom half of the background which seemed too empty.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Almost Nothing

In fact, really nothing, busy, busy, busy..... at church, at home and with friends, in the studio, on the running path, balancing on the Bosu ball or lifting weights, driving to the jail...more later:)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Studio Work

Yesterday I put the last touches to my "Botanical Woman 2". I am pleased with it........finally! As usual I will add that the reds are not as vivid as in this pic, impossible to get the real one which is more brownish/maroonish.... nicer.
10" x 10", mixed media (lots of my handmade papers cut in tiny tiny little pieces) with fabric and vintage botanical illustrations. Commercial paper too.

The Feast

This is their version of Macaroni and cheese (4 cheeses, 2 types sausages)
A few pics: I did not take many, too busy enjoying the  delectable food prepared by Chefs DavEm. They make quite a pair! Their turkey was roasted to a spectacular shiny deep gold, the breast meat tender and delicious, the dark meat (my favorite) beyond words.. David told me part of their secret: A little duck fat to baste the bird. After all, turkeys, ducks, they all get along quite well, don't they? For desserts 2 yummy pies: pecan pie and cranberry pumpkin pie, wow, so yummy! And the best thing of all is that we all have plenty of these delicious treats left for a couple of least!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

We are going to DavEm for the turkey....As soon as the cranberry pumpkin pie is in the oven Steve and I are going for a small run (careful, still watching and observing how the foot, yes my left foot, is doing). It  was SO cold this morning but it has warmed up some....

I am so very very thankful for so many things but I thought I would mention my husband, son and wife, and way over there in the city of lights, my sisterette and my best friend Zikette..... love them so much!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Birthday To Steve!

That was last Saturday! We gave a party for Steve and had tons of fun .His best friend from way back, the infamous Nogrady was in town and helped to celebrate. The pics are from Emily Barnes, all but the angel blessing the "petits pains au lait"!
PS: Notice the birthday boy' s Hollywood quality! For those of you who do not know, yes, he is taken: he is hubby to this blogger!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Studio Work

I scanned it but the colors did not come true...tried several ways and gave up. In reality they are softer.
I call her "The Botanical Woman": 8" x 10", mixed media.I started this before our trip to Colorado and decided to call it quit today. I am trying to finish pieces quickly in an attempt to not fuss over them much....ha..ha..ha...difficult:)
This one will be the first of a series.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Images from our Trip

In Colorado
Back in Albuquerque

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Off To Colorado..... see Steve's friends who are celebrating their anniversary in a big way.
I will take this opportunity to go to Colorado Springs to visit briefly my friend Betty, fabulous painter. Delight your eyes here!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Oh The Glorious Colors!

Last few days of utter splendor in the garden

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010


In bloom right now, wow!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Pink Cat?

So many things that are alarming in the news, so much suffering in the world.....can't make art reflecting to be true to myself!
Again, I intended to make an art journal page but got carried away in a beautiful balloon....

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

In My Studio

Working in a less rigid, more intuitive way without worrying too much about the outcome I made this in my journal (started just before Silly2). As I was going along adding this and that and following the gentle breeze of creativity I soon realized that what was intended as a journal page backdrop was becoming a picture with no place to write on! Oh well, said I....moving right along, who said it had to be a page with room to write on? I am posting these 2 pics as the real thing is somewhere in between the scan and the actual photograph. (better in real life, yes, trust me)...thought of my friend Zikette all the time who, if I recall, "hates this blue" reality the real blue simply is not coming out in these pictures.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Here We Are....Again!

 We each finished 1st in our respective age groups: The Great Pumpkin Chase

Friday, October 29, 2010

Cactus Fruit ...

Prickly Pear Cactus (opuntia)

......before the freeze!
They are like jewels...with many many vicious "glochids" which are very hurtful.
The fruits are also called cactus figs or in Spanish "tunas"

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Running Quotes

I ran into this quote this morning, worth saving:
"I do today what my competition wont so tomorrow I can do what they can’t."
But I like this one too:
"When you’re not practicing, somewhere, someone is and when you meet they will win"

Friday, October 22, 2010

Oops, I forgot....

.....this one with its cryptic markings.