Thursday, November 29, 2007

Slow roasted Tomatoes: TASTY

So yummy, so easy my cats could do it!

Roma Tomatoes
Olive Oil
Preheat oven to 275
Slice tomatoes lengthwise, remove some of the seeds and watery stuff.
Oil baking tray with oo (Ask me for explanation if needed).
Dispose halves on tray, pour some oil on the cuties, bit of salt, bit of crushed garlic.
Bake for a long time, ever so gently, ever so slowly, about 2 to 3 hours if you ask me, check from time to time, decide for yourself when they are ready for you.
Delicious with pasta, on crusty bread with some goat cheese on top with a snippet of a basil leaf, just like that, alone. Plenty of ways to savour them.....not recommended with desserts, not even ice cream....

A different Sort of Drawing

Searching for a title for this one...Feel free to send suggestions.
I took 2 little drawings I did a while back and put them together and added color with watercolor pencils.
I still am frustrated because I have to pay attention to not standing up too much, so yesterday as I was working in the studio cleaning and sorting I overdid it a little.
This morning I was at the gym at 6:45 and did 35 minutes of biking. Monday I see my podiatrist who will cast me for his super orthotics...things are moving on.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Of Mess in Studio, Little bird's Foot.....

I will have to try to make some sense out of all of this...daunting job indeed, years of accumulating small finds on the roads, pods, samples of sand collected in the Southwest, seeds, pumpkins stems, exquisite rusted whatevers, etc...Will wait a little longer....
Found this tiny little foot which I rescued from.....yes, you guessed it that creature with green eyes and white fur, aptly named Diablo and whose picture you can see a few posts down!!!(Measures 1"3/8 wide by 1"1/8 tall, or for my metric friends 3,5cm par 2,5 de hauteur)
To my great shame (just kidding) I decided not to give it a decent burial but to keep it and admire its delicate design......not thinking at the time that some day it would delight my viewers' eyes........correct?


Do not hesitate to call me......

Finally....A group photo from Santa Fe Trip

From left to right:
Murray, Betty, David, My Cup of Tea, Steve.
Photo courtesy Emily C


Yesterday was our 19th anniversary and we celebrated appropriately.....for us!
I made a card for Steve, he brought me flowers, we drank Champagne, we ate cassoulet ..........and we watched Ratatouille! How much more fun could we have endured?

Geese Attack!!!

This morning as I was feeding the girls (my hens), over our heads, with the accompanying
sounds effects a large deployment of Canadian geese were flying on their way south, absolutely superb...I wished them a pleasant and safe voyage.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sketch of Durer's father under New Lights

After I did this sketch and colored it (watercolor sticks)I did not like it much so I played with it, I think I like it a bit more now!!! I can't see all the flaws, LOL.Having fun did not however lengthen his nose back to real proportions nor did it erase the mess I made in the middle of his mention a few boo-boos.

Patterns, Textures

A quick tour around the house yields a small treasure:

Visit with Friends in Santa Fe, Camera...

In the morning yesterday, catastrophe, my camera is out of order, kaputt, cassee, irreparable . Of course I must tell you that it had fallen twice before, yes twice: a few days ago, dropped it myself but seemed ok thereafter until Em dropped it (only a few inches) on the kitchen counter(slipped her fingers). Then it decided that it had had enough and went into an irreversible coma.
So I was not able to take pictures in Santa Fe....grrr...grrrr....This story has a good ending since I had bought an insurance that included exactly that....acts of clumsiness and they gave me a brand new one in the evening!Alleluia!.............
We had a wonderful time with our friends Betty and Murray from Colorado, DavEm (that's David and Emily) at the Cowgirl Cafe. Virgin Marys flowed freely and soon the tongues went into overdrive.No, don't think for a second that we need the fuel...
Betty is a wonderfully talented painter, ( Murray, equally talented is a Director/Playwright, Renaissance Man, bon vivant. I hated to say goodbye.

Doing Boring Boring Stuff

I just spent most of the morning working in my pictures, creating new albums, arranging/re-arranging, deleting, etc ...BORING!!!!!
Took a few pictures under the label "textures"...with new camera, details later.
Getting ready to go to mass....will be back for a new post.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Sign placed actually on my kitchen island....our guests really love it...We only have had nice guests lately....a true mystery...
Nothing much to post today, will post tomorrow about trip to Santa Fe, friends, and a new drawing.
Good Night!

Wasted Paint...or is it?

This was in my palette box with a lid, unused for a few weeks. I switched medium and it all hardened but I had to take a picture, still think it has beauty when you love color.....and I do, YES I case you have not noticed!!!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Small sketch from the Pieta by Pontormo

From my journal pages (Nov 22, Thanksgiving). And by the way I had done the drawing several days before.Copy, hand colored.
Ah, yes, friends, I am indeed looking forward to dittoing yesterday's dinner...minus the beloved hosts, the ambiance, the fleeting delicious realization that " We are living these moments of Thanksgiving 2007" and all is perfect...
By the way I am looking out the window and delicate specks of white gauzy lace are gently falling.
We are supposed to drive up to Santa Fe tomorrow to meet my artist friend Betty Ross, hubby and friend and now I am wondering....Please! I can do without the pretty white stuff...
Back to the drawing board (literally) in mere moments, well, not board, ok, sketch book if I need be precise. And resting my foot since I am comfortably seated on a sofa while drawing.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Back at home after a feast at David and Emily's......He had not felt well so yesterday she put in a 16 hours day, more work today of course.
It was just lovely, we arrived flowers on the table, soft glow of candles,
music....heavenly scent of a roasting bird.... the food was astounding...
The rich caramel color of the glistening turkey....(looked like a food stylist had glazed it with several coats of Golden sienna glaze!!!)the creamy peaks atop a beautiful mound of mashed potatoes.....glowing sweet carrots, without forgetting the amazing ruby red cranberry relish infused with port and rosemary...What a chef!
Back home Coconut and Diablo were ecstatic when they saw that we did not come home empty handed!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Sorry but I decided to leave only one page....I need to work at this...imagine the background paper is BLACK, it appears washed out grey!

Yesterday's Petite Celebration and Journal pages

Since David was sick, it was just the 2 of fun anyway!
I have a terrible time photographing these journal pages since they are so subtle but here are a couple of them.
The basic problem is that I am resting my foot to the max (no standing up in the studio, in fact almost no studio time at all) and therefore I am not doing "normal" pages, just using pens on the black paper of the journal.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's Steve's Birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, STEVE........That's my husband, for those of you, dear guests, who do not know yet.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Stress Fracture, Journal Page, Diablo, Coconut, Glass of Wine

"You probably don't have a stress fracture", my podiatrist said after looking after this new batch of x-rays. Yay!!!
One more week in my silly looking black (at least a neutral color) bootie, one week in my regular running shoes and we shall see. Then I will have him cast me for a new pair of orthotics, might as well try his!
Last year my ex, (podiatrist that is) had a pair done for me (price tag $450)....with the wonderful outcome that I developed plantar fasciitis in BOTH feet....after weeks and weeks of continued stress, anxiety, visits to the chiropractor (my last, well almost, hope), I tossed them out and then found myself healed soon after, go figure....Well, enough of that uninteresting stuff.....
Here is my last journal page, our cats Diablo and Coconut, a glass of wine...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Do you dig Michelangelo?

A little drawing with a watercolor wash and pencil....I am trying to draw regularly.
You know, it's good, we have to draw regularly if we want to get better and I need just that!!!!!Learn, learn, learn....Get better, Work hard!.....
So here it is, a drawing done this afternoon in about 45 minutes.
After Michelangelo, the Delphic Sybil.
As I look on this drawing, I see that I erased all the softness, hardened it, got the chin wrong, missed the whole point! I guess I am learning, right? Encouragement are encouraged!!!:-)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

4th Printing

I cleaned up some more the stamp and this time it is ok but I realized that when printing I really have to be careful not to press too much on the paper or I will have undesirable trail marks. I printed with the paper on top of the stamp finding it easier that way....because of its large size (10")
Then since I still had plenty of pain left I re-inked the stamp and printed on a couple of pieces of paper lying around., not bad.
Sunflowers on my kitchen island.

Party Over, Back to cleaning Stamp, Misc...

Nice! Here are a few of our beloved guests, including hubby Steve,the birthday boy, David, Emily (fiancee), without forgetting yours truly!
Ahhh......the prosciutto was just exquisite, the little mushrooms turnovers heavenly(bite size), wine, kirs, champagne, Asti.....
Stay tuned, more later!